The NEMA South West Zone participated at the Stakeholders meeting on Emergency Management in Oyo State today 12th July, 2023.

- The program organized by Oyo State Emergency Management Agency OYSEMA is aimed at involving stakeholders on preparedness on flood prevention and Strengthened the synergy amongst stakeholders.
- The NEMA South West Zone represented by the AZC Kazeem Olanrewaju informed the meeting of NEMA’s activities on disaster Management particularly on flood preparedness .
He highlighted the Agency’s efforts towards mitigating against the predicted occurrences in the country. - Present at the meeting was the representative of the State Deputy Governor, the Secretary of OYSEMA, response Agencies, NGOs , line ministries and media.
- I UFMP delieverd a paper presentation on Flood mitigation Strategies in Oyo state by Engr Lawal.
- The meeting deliberated on the preparedness and mitigation Strategies of Disasters in the state. Stakeholders appreciated OYSEMA for organizing the meeting and commended the State Government for her proactive measures