NEMA / UNDP /AU/ECOWAS organized a 2-Day stakeholders workshop on developing a National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy (2024 – 2030)& Action plan (2024-2027) at Jorany Hotel, Calabar, Cross River State
The workshop was declared opened by the Director Disaster Risk Reduction, Dr. Daniel Obot and In attendance were: Zonal Director NEMA South South zone, Mr Walson Brandon, the Zonal Coordinator NEMA South South Zone, Mr Adebiyi Babatunde Razaq, Staff South South zonal office ; Executive Secretary of Akwa-ibom, Cross River, Delta SEMAs , NSCDC,FRSC, NIMSA, Director Center for Disaster Risk Management and Developmental studies , the Media etc.
To develop a National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy(2024-2030)& Action plan (2024 – 2027)
The resource person Prof.A.Obafemi dwelled so much on the theme of the workshop and the presentation were made on PowerPoint.
The workshop focused more on the 7 targets of the Sendi framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030,
* Reduce global disaster by 2030
*Reduce the number of affected people globally by 2030
*Reduce direct disaster economic loss
*Substantially reduce disaster damage in critical infrastructure
*Increase the number of countries with National and local DRR states by 2030
*Enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement action.
*Substantially increase the availability to and access to multi hazard warning system and disaster risk information & assessment to the people by 2030.
The participants were later divided into 4 groups to develop an action plan and framework as it relates to the south South Zone of Nigeria with reference to these 7 target areas of the Sendai framework for DRR.
22 -02-2024