Ahead of 2023 general election, the National Emergency Management Agency agency (NEMA) North Central Zone today 1st February 2023 organised a One-Day Stakeholders Workshop and Awareness Creation on Preparedness and Mitigation of Electoral violence. Declaring the workshop open, the Director General of the Agency, Alh. Mustapha Habib said the workshop is based on the principles of early warning approach to Disaster Risk Management for effective sensitization which is an important tool for peace building during and after election.
The Director General who was represented by the Zonal Coordinator, Mr. Eugene Nyelong noted that nearly all of Nigeria’s general elections since Independence have been characterised with pockets of violent conflicts. The DG noted further that Plateau State was among the several cities which could experience election violence in the forthcoming general elections. He urged all the participants to put hands on deck to mitigate the occurrence of the ugly trend. The DG concluded his remarks by appreciating all the various stakeholders and community leaders that honoured the Agency’s invitation to attend the workshop.
Some of the papers presented at the workshop included ‘ Election Violence and Conflict Prevention ‘ by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and ‘ Strategies to prevent and manage Electoral Violence’ by the Plateau State Peace Building Agency.
Participants at the workshop appreciated NEMA and noted the workshop was educative and timely as the general election is just days away and promised to cascade the awareness to their various communities.
The workshop which took place at the De-Bridge Ville Suite, Jos, Plateau State had some of the major stakeholders of the Agency present. They include, INEC, the Nigerian Police, Fire Service, Red Cross , FRSC, NSCDC, Community leaders and the media.