In a second phase of the Courtesy/Advocacy visit by the zonal office, Mr. Eugene Nyelong,the zonal coordinator in the company of some staff on 21st of May, 2024 were at the Plateau State Command of the Federal Fire Service and the Nigerian Red Cross to ascertain its level of preparedness as the raining season inches closer.
The Zonal Coordinator noted that the FFS is one of its critical stakeholder; as such, the need to share ideas and ensure proper planning during and after flood in the State in case of flooding as predicted by NIMET in the 2024 Annual Flood Outlook (AFO). He also thanked them for their timely response to fire outbreaks in the State.
The Commander, ably represented by the 2IC Head of Admin. and Supplies, Superintendent of Fire, Mr. Latur Binbol in his remarks appreciated NEMA, recognising it as the key agency in disaster management in Nigeria and also assured the ZC that they’re ready to respond at any given time.
Similarly, the team were at the Nigerian Red Cross Society who have been partnering in thematic areas to further strengthen that relationship. The NRC has an organic structure down to the committees. As such, it is working with community leaders and volunteers to sensitise and educate the general public down to the communities.
The ZC presented the National Contingency Plan recently reviewed to both the Federal Fire Service and the Nigerian Red Cross; designed to help in effective response to various disasters.
Both organisations assured the Zonal Coordinator that they’re ready to respond whenever they’re called upon and are sensitising the general public with high level of preparedness.