Sokoto Operations Office partnered with Sokoto State Branch of Nigeria Red Cross to train NEMA/NYSC Emergency Management Vanguards on Basic First Aid.
The Head, SOO, Mr. Aliyu Shehu Kafindangi who was represented by Mr. Abubakar Yusuf in his remarks said EMVs are very important to Disaster risk management. This he said was one of the reasons behind the training, in order to arm the Corps Members with first aid skills to know how to respond to little accidents within their communities and also to further disseminate such knowledge to the communities where they are posted for primary assignment.
40 Corp Members who are registered members of NEMA/NYSC EMVs were trained. Training Officer of Red Cross in Sokoto State, Abdullahi Idris and the State Secretary took time to lecture the EMVs on topics that ranged from history of Red Cross, handling fractures, bleeding, chocking, how to perform CPR etc.
Immediately after the first aid training, the Head, Search and Rescue Unit, Mr. Ambursa S. Aminu in the company of the units staff members took the EMVs on a facility tour to enlighten them on the functions of search and rescue equipments.
The Corp Members appreciated NEMA for the training.