NEMA MOO in collaboration with Niger State Emergency Management Agency (NSEMA) held a Coordination meeting with relevant stakeholders in the state on the 16th of May 2024. This was geared towards producing an action plan based on the implications of 2024 flood predictions for the state.
The Head of NEMA, MOO Haj. Zainab Sa’idu in her keynote address, emphasized the urgency to address the 2024 flood predictions for Niger State.
She stated the need to also come up with strategies relating to flood preparedness, mitigation and response based on the interpretation of the 2024 SCP And AFO for the state.
The first Lecture was delivered by Mr Pwajok Gyang Tok from NiMet. He analysed the Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) and its potential implications for the state including expected challenges.
Prof. Aisha Abdulkadir from the CDRMD & DS FUT Minna, delivered the second lecture which
focused on enhancing disaster risk reduction specifically tailored for flood emergencies.
Mr Salihu Garba of NSEMA played a pivotal role in highlighting the responsibilities of various stakeholders in the context of flood preparedness, mitigation measures, and effective response strategies. There after, the drafting of the action plan commenced with active participation of all
marking a significant step towards Strengthening Niger State Response capabilities.