The Director General NEMA Mustapha Habib Ahmed today visited the Bakassi Internally Displaced Persons camp in Maiduguri, Borno State where he officially flag off distribution of food and relief items to the IDPs.
The food items were for the monthly distribution, while the other relief supports being clothes that were supplied to assist the IDPs in the camp.
Addressing the IDPs, the Director General of NEMA assured the IDPs that the Federal Government is always concerned about their plight and will continue to support them until normality is restored in their respective communities.
He conveyed the felicitation of Mr. President and that of the Hon Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development and wished them a happy Eid in advance.
The visit was part of the DG monitoring of ongoing humanitarian operations in the country.
Earlier, North East Zonal Zonal Coordinator of NEMA, Mrs Wagami Lydia-Madu, said over 7000 households would benefit from the routine exercise at the Bakasi camp.
She said each household would get a ration comprising 10 kg of rice, beans, maize and a variety of condiments.
Speaking on behalf of the IDPs, Mrs Halima Adamu, lauded the sustained intervention by NEMA for the past seven years and urged them to consider increasing the rations as it had been the best intervention so far.
A total of 35,508 households comprising those in camps, host and resettled communities are expected to benefit from the exercise in Borno.