I am extremely delighted to welcome you all to this very important international workshop aimed at developing a regional Resilience Strategy for integrated and all-inclusive development for the wellbeing of the people of the ECOWAS regional block. The workshop whose outcome is expected to provide the foundation for resilient building is very timely considering the prevailing regional and global crises. {his also comes at a time, economic downturn has impacted the entire world with adverse socio-economic outcomes. Countries of the West African subregion is amongst the worst hit; hence there is no better time than now to develop a resilience strategy that will help them cope with the externalities and foster sustainable development. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, you may recall that the geography, demographic and political dynamics of West Africa have predisposed the sub region to complex nature and human induced disaster and emergency situations, ECOWAS countries have experienced series of disasters, crises and conflict that have posed threats to normal life, the means of livelihood of the people and sustainable economic growth and development.
In the same vein, a greater part of West Africa sub region is characterized with a fragile ecosystem exacerbated by climate change, Climate variability and insecurity. These factors have undermined coping and adaption capacity of the population which is heavily dominated by vulnerable women and children and a considerable number of people living with disabilities. Substantial part of the emergency situations is trans-boundary in nature.
The predominant disaster risk profile of West Africa has significantly posed a threat to region’s efforts in meeting crucial global and continental initiatives including the Sustainable Development Goals (SIXGs) 2030; the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015-2030; and the African Agenda 2060. Other initiatives impacted include the African Union Program of Action (AUC-PoA) and the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) treaty.
There is no doubt that there is a compelling need to develop a regional resilience strategy with efficient coordination and effective early warning systems for West Africa. This will guide anticipatory actions to support the deployment of qualitative and Quantitative data for risk-informed decision to guide development programs implementation. It is imperative for the region to leverage its rich natural and human capital for smart investments to meet up with its future aspiration. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Nigeria on its part has strived hard to weather the storm in the face of extreme weather events coupled with conflicts over dwindling land and water resources powered by climate change phenomena and demographic dynamics. Subsistence farming, shifting cultivation and pastoralism based on cross boundary seasonal movement of livestock of the past have become unsustainable in the face exponential population growth and dwindling land resources. The situation has fueled conflict between occupation groups that hitherto complemented one another, It has driven banditry, kidnapping for ransom and decline in rural productivity.
In 2022, Nigeria experienced its worst recorded flood disaster, The extent of devastation and destruction of property as well as loss of lives and means of livelihood were unprecedented. A total 665 deaths were reported while 3,181 people were injured, 4,476,867 people were affected out of which 2,437,411 persons were displaced from their homes. Meanwhile, 181,705 houses were damaged with 174,281 completely destroyed . In the agricultural sector, 660,884 farmers were affected with 776,945 hectares of farmlands destroyed. The World Bank Assessment on the 2022 flood estimated the cost of damage and economic losses to about Seven Billion US Dollars.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Iet me remind us that it is not all doom and gloom for Nigeria and West Africa. Nigeria stands to benefit from the initiative of developing the West African Resilience Strategy to provide guidance in addressing the
destructive impucts of the multi-dimensional risks in the country. Recall that disasters always provide an opportunity to build back better. Recognizing the challenge of climate change in the country, the Government of Nigeria has taken wide ranging actions to enhance the country’s national resilience, National food security is placed in the front bumer across responsible MDAs including recovery support by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). As the saying goes a well fed nation, is a resilient nation.
The Federal Government of Nigeria through NEMA has designed and implemented Special Agricultural Intervention Program to support farmers affected by annual floods and protracted conflicts. In 2019, farmers in states worst hit hy floods and crises were supported by NEMA fo recover fast They received agricultural inputs, fertilizer, agro-chemicals and livestock restocking to complement efforts of line MDAs and State Governments to enable them return to normalcy A quantity of 1.02 millon kilograms of fertilizer and 6.5 million kilograms of seedlings was distributed to the farmers. The intervention was implemented with the support of the federal Ministry of Agriculture and the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC)
Under the Special National Economic Livelihood Emergency Intervention (SNELEI), 660,884 households were provided with assorted farm and poultry inputs, seeds and seedlings, livestock, fertilizer. pumping machines, sprayers, fingerlings and livelihood option tools to support their recovery process. The Federal Government has created the National Climate Change Council in 2021 as the apex decision making body on climate change issues with Mr. President as Chairman and the Vice President as Vice Chairman of the Council. ‘the Federal Government has also developed a National Policy on Climate Change for the purpose of achieving a climate resilient Nigeria to drive rapid and sustainable socio-economic development The policy will guide the Development and implementation of sector wide initiatives for adaptation and mitigation against adverse impacts of climate change.
In tho same vein, the Government of Nigeria has adopted innovative financing for climate action by issuing the Sovereign Green Bond estimated at USS73.8 million under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) project in Nigeria. The GCF funded mitigation and adaptation activities with a project duration of four years from 2016-2020 It has also issued security fund for environmental projects in 2020 estimated at about 150 Million Naira. this is complemented by the Climate Change Resilience Action Plan for the Lake Chad Busin to resuscitate agro economic activities around the basin area. Furthermore, the Federal Government bas established the Great Green Wall Program witich has so far recovered arable land of about 6,007 hectares as at the second quarter of 2022,
With the realization of the strong nexus between security, sustainable development and disaster resilience, the Government of Nigeria has put in place necessary policies and legal frameworks to safeguard the socio-economic growth of the country. These include; the ‘Terrorism Prevention and Prohibition Act (2022), the National Counter Terrorism Strategy (2016), the Policy framework and National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (2017) and the Border Security Management Programs, Nigeria’s giant strides have indeed received accolades and commendation amongst development partners, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to emphasize that the development of ECOWAS Resilience Strategy is timely and apt. It is in line with the ongoing effort by NEMA to develop a National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy (2030-2030) and Action Plan (2024-2027) for Nigeria. This is being done with the support of the UNDP under the Sahel Resilience Project and African Union Commission (AUC) to align with the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 and African Program of Action (PoA).
In conclusion, I want to express my profound gratitude to the UNDP, ECOWAS and to all our numerous esteemed partners for finding it appropriate to organize this workshop during this most critical moment of our national history. It is my expectation that the strategy will serve as an integrated approach for resilience building in Nigeria and West Africa that complements the various national efforts earlier enumerated.
I hereby declare this Workshop open.