The Director General NEMA Mustapha Habib Ahmed today made a presentation to the Nigerian Governors Forum on the 2023 flood prediction, preparedness and response.

The Governors Forum chaired by the Governor of Kwara State has in attendance at today’s meeting more than 15 Governors that include those of Imo, Anambra, Enugu, Taraba, Acting Governor of Ondo State amongst others.
In the presentation, the DG NEMA highlighted NEMA’s establishment with its mandates, flooding in Nigeria, the 2022 experience including response by NEMA and others, the 2023 prediction and actions taken so far and the way forward.
The presentation was restricted from the media, but the DG NEMA was approached by journalists after the meeting where he explained that his presentation was aimed at giving useful information on the flood prediction for the Governors to be aware of the dangers and take necessary actions within their respective states.
He said the idea to build a network of partnership with the Governors towards joint management of flood in the country.
He said the response by the Governors were positive and hoped that the governments would work well with NEMA and other stakeholders together flood management this year and beyond.
The DG NEMA was accompanied to the meeting by the Director Relief and Rehabilitation, Director Disaster Risk Reduction, Director Search and Rescue, Director Planning Research and Forecasting, Deputy Director Operations, Deputy Planning and staff from the press a.d protocol units.
11th July 2023.