NEMA South South team in collaboration with Rivers State Emergency Management Agency (RVSEMA) Ministry of Transport, POLICE, NSCDC, FRSC, Fire Service etc., carried out a joint assessment of the Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) tanker fire which occurred at a about 8:00pm on 26th April 2024.
The incident occured as a result of reckless driving by a truck vehicle driver which led to a collision with a tanker vehicle loaded with PMS. The collision was said to have caused the pms to spill on the road which led to the fire outbreak.
NEMA during the assessment counted a total of 70 vehicle that were burnt beyond recognition.
The total number of casualties could not be confirmed because many of the affected persons scampered for their lives, but the NEMA team counted 4 dead bodies that were bunt to ashes including a pregnant woman.
The FRSC bagged and evacuated the 4 corpses to military hospital.
The inferno was rapidly putout by indorama fire service men who also deployed one of there earth moving equipment to assist in removing other burnt vehicles obstructing the free flow of traffic on the highway.
Actions by NEMA team.
1. Coordinated other relevant stakeholders.
2. cordoned off the incident area.
3. Coordinated the evacuation of burnt vehicles blocking the way.
4. Assisted the police and FRSC in traffic control.
5. Coordinated the military hospital for corps (ashes) deposition.
6. Supervised the trans-loading of the PMS.
Stakeholders present:
2. Nigeria Police
5. River State Min. Of Transport.
6. Indorama
7. River State Min. Of Health.