I am extremely delighted to welcome you all to this expert workshop to crtically align early warning paradigm inputs and other disaster risk
issues from various stakeholders for the development of a National DRR
Stratesy and Acton Plan 2023-2030 for Nigeria. The need for the development of this Plan arises from the findings of the assessment conducted by Overseas Development Institute on behalf of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The assessment was conducted
to ascertain the status of DRR for evaluation of the implementation of Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 in seven selected countries of Sahel regon. The countries include Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.
A review of NEMA existing plans and frameworks documents has indicated the urgent need to produce a more comprehensive action plan for disaster risk management in Nigeria in consideration of new and emerg’ng hazards in the country. Such a plan is to align with the Sendai Framework and the African Program of Action (PoA) to increase disaster resilience and drive sustainable development. It is on record that the current escalation of disaster events in form of conflicts, banditry and annual floods coupled with extreme weather events have triggered the compelling desire to develop the DRR Strategy and Action
Plan for Nigeria. Today’s workshop is part of the Sahel Resilience Project titled
“Strengthening Capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation for Resilience in the Sahel Region”. The project is aimed at fostering risk-informed Solutions for Sustainable Development in the Sahel countries earlier mentioned. The project is also within the context of multi-partnership initiative led by the UNDP, the African Union Commission, ECOWAS, UN Women, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, AGHRYMET and other regional actors.
You may recall that the Sahel region is regarded as one of the poorest region in Sub-Saharan Africa characterized by fragile economy, environmental degradation, extreme weather conditions, poverty and insecurity driven by terrorism and political uprising. It is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to disaster risks and climate change which are trans-boundary in nature. This initiative which is to align with the Sendai Framework for DRR and African Union Plan of Action to further deepen disaster risk management in Nigeria, is indeed pertinent and commendable.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, let me use this opportunity to express the profound gratitude of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the International Organizations and the Government of Sweden that is financing this project to strengthen the resilience of the Sahel Region. | also commend the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for supporting the integration of early warning into the DRR Strategy and Action Plan for Nigeria. This workshop could not have happened without the valuable resources you have deployed.
Once again, | am pleased to acknowledge the diversity of participants and experts from different professional backgrounds coming together for this very important three days’ workshop. | have no doubt that the objectives of the workshop will be fully achieved with your valuable Professional inputs. This workshop has coincided with the ongoing flood season in Nigeria and it will provide us the opportunity to review
our level of preparedness, response, mitigation and long term recovery strategies.
Distinguished participants, please permit me to stress management of disaster risks in contemporary periods is anchored on preparedness, prevention, mitigation, risk reduction and adaptation .This cannot be realized in our country without the full deployment strategic action plan that clearly assigns roles and responsibilities to implementing MDAs and other relevant stakeholders. Just last week Wednesday, 28″ August, 2024, the Chief of Staff to Mr. President on a courtesy call to NEMA. He stressed the need to place emphasis on disaster prevention rather than disaster response.
| therefore urge you to articulate practical and achievable disaster prevention strategies in the Action Plan you intend to develop Furthermore, i request you to accord this workshop the very serious attention and commitment it deserves during the three days you are expected to work out an action plan for Nigeria. Let us sustain the tempo of synergy and collaboration to successfully develop this document for a holistic disaster risk management in Nigeria that outlive 2030, the post Sendai regime.
With this clarion call, | hereby declare the Workshop Open.
Thank you all, | wish you fruitful deliberations.