The Director General NEMA, Alhaji Muhammad Sani-Sidi has visited affected flood victims in Kigo Road New Extension, a suburb in Kaduna Metropolis ravaged by the devastating flood following the recent downpour in the state.
Preceding the visit, the agency promptly donated relief materials comprising of food stuffs and other household needs to ameliorate the plight of the affected victims earlier evacuated and relocated to a nearby primary school.
Kigo Road New Extension is a densely community prone to flood due to its closeness with the Kaduna River in which larger percentage of buildings in the area are built on waterways which as a result endangered the lives and properties of the residents.
The area constantly visited by NEMA officials during the agency’s routine flood sensitization always fall prey to flood every raining season due to the lackadaisical attitude of the residents in the area who remain adamant to the yearning of NEMA to vacate the place.
Be as it may, the DG NEMA reiterated the agency’s mandated responsibility of educating people to stop building on waterways in order to checkmate the reoccurring menace.[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/nemanigeria/posts/1037891389575903/” width=”750″/]