- The Director General of NEMA said report of the committee would also be used as case studies to be adopted as a standard for addressing the plights of other communities affected by flood in the country.
Further to the initial response in the provision of succor to victims of the recent flood that devastated communities in Katsina and Ogun States, the Federal Government has set up a special committee to undertake detail assessment of the disaster and recommend appropriate remedial measures in addressing the plights of the affected communities.
Inaugurating the committee in Abuja, the Minister of Water Resources Engr Suleiman Adamu said President Muhammadu Buhari had directed Water Resources Ministry and NEMA to carryout detail assessment of the damages caused by the flood in the identified states and recommend measures to assist the victims and remedy the losses.
Also speaking, the Director general of NEMA Engr. Mustapha Maihaja advised the committee to be diligent in the discharge of the assignment by working together with the Katsina and Ogun State governments to identify the affected persons and the extent of damages to property and ascertain interventions that may be required.
He said committee’s assignment was in line with the mandate of NEMA to find durable solution to the problem of flood in the country through sensitization in vulnerable communities, working with the state authorities to relocate communities at risks to higher and safe locations, construction of camps for displaced persons and partner to ensure strict adherence to town planning regulations amongst other measures.
The Director General of NEMA said report of the committee would also be used as case studies to be adopted as a standard for addressing the plights of other communities affected by flood in the country.
The committee comprised of representatives of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, NEMA, National Water Resources Institute, Federal Ministry of Environment, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency, Rima Basins Development Authority and Ogun-Oshun River Basins Authority. The committee is expected to submit its report in two weeks.
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