I am extremely delighted to witness this very important milestone occasion of the public presentation of the 2023 Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) by the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET). Today’s event holding on the first month of the year is an affirmation of the serious commitment of NIMET towards its mandate of climate services delivery to the public. It is on record that weather and climatic elements impact heavily on and play a vital role in all forms of human activities and across socio-economic sectors.
I am glad to say that hydro-meteorological information from NIMET has continued to play a vital role in disaster preparedness, response and mitigation plans of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). The NIMET Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) has over the years become a veritable tool that enables NEMA to conduct expert analysis of disaster risk implications and produce disaster early warning messages for delivery to emergency responders to support the protection of lives, critical national assets and the entire cultural landscape in Nigeria. The NEMA—NIMET partnership in disaster risk management and the building of national resilience has continue to grow from strength to strength.
At the end of this auspicious event, I look forward to bringing together experts from NIMET and other relevant Agencies in one roof to analyze the disaster risk implication of the SCP and develop necessary advisories including risk mapping to guide all NEMA partners to mitigate disaster losses across the nation. I make bold to say that the negative impacts of the annually recurring flood disaster in Nigeria, could have been more devastating without the early warning information developed out of the NIMET SCP and downscaled to the various end-user agencies and the general public.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, permit me to state that the 2022 flood disaster which is unprecedented in Nigeria’s history is indeed a wake-up call for us to intensify our inter-Agency collaboration to mitigate the impacts of hydro-meteorological hazards in the country and beyond. I commend the management of NIMET and all those scientists that have worked assiduously to produce the 2023 SCP at the right time to enable NEMA and numerous other partners to begin their annual work plans early in the year.
I want to also use this opportunity to congratulate the Honorable Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika and my Brother Professor Mansur Bako Matazu, Director General, NIMET for once again accomplishing this noble feat. | look forward working together with all partners to enable us develop accurate, clear and user friendly disaster early warning messages and to make sure that such messages matched with early action for the good of Nigeria and Nigerians.
Thank you all and God bless!