The Director General, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Muhammad Sani Sidi at the weekend, attended the closing ceremony of the West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative (WADPI) training held at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Accra Ghana.
The participants were mostly drawn from Nigeria and Liberia, made up of officers from relevant MDAs including NEMA staff. The training was aimed at strengthening regional communication, collaboration and integration to enhance disaster preparedness in West Africa sub-region and by extension across Africa, considering the recent spread of terrorism and certain diseases that have affected people across the borders
At the closing ceremony, the participants were presented with certificates and the occasion was attended by top government functionaries from the participated countries and host Ghana as well as executives of the KAIPTC. Among them were the DG NEMA Muhammad Sani Sidi, Mr. Osasona Obasola that represented the Nigerian High Commissioner to Ghana, Liberian Minister of Internal Affairs Hon. Moriss M. Dukuly snr, National Coordinator of Ghanaian National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) Brig. Gen Francis Vib-Sanziri.
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